踏石留印 |tà shí liú yìn
Meaning: literally, to step on stones and leave a mark; figurative: making results or achieving goals no matter the task. Used to describe a strong work ethic and spirit of […]
Meaning: literally, to step on stones and leave a mark; figurative: making results or achieving goals no matter the task. Used to describe a strong work ethic and spirit of […]
Meaning: an old nation with a new mission, purpose, or mandate Original: 习近平总书记瞻望未来:“中国式现代化是中华民族的旧邦新命,必将推动中华文明重焕荣光。” Source: 学习进行时丨文化强国,习近平总书记强调坚定文化自信
Meaning: the aims of education: morality, intelligence, physical fitness, and aesthetic sense Original: “习近平强调,少年儿童是祖国的未来,是中华民族的希望。新时代中国儿童应该是有志向、有梦想,爱学习、爱劳动,懂感恩、懂友善,敢创新、敢奋斗,德智体美劳全面发展的好儿童。希望同学们立志为强国建设、民族复兴而读书,不负家长期望,不负党和人民期待。” Source: 习近平在北京育英学校考察时强调 争当德智体美劳全面发展的新时代好儿童 向全国广大少年儿童祝贺“六一”国际儿童节快乐
Meaning: to keep watch and defend one another (idiom, from Mencius); to join forces to defend against external aggressors/mutual help and protection Original: “去年,我们举行庆祝中国同中亚五国建交30周年视频峰会时,共同宣布建设中国-中亚命运共同体。这是我们在新的时代背景下,着眼各国人民根本利益和光明未来,作出的历史性选择。建设中国-中亚命运共同体,要做到四个坚持。一是坚持守望相助。我们要深化战略互信,在涉及主权、独立、民族尊严、长远发展等核心利益问题上,始终给予彼此明确、有力支持,携手建设一个守望相助、团结互信的共同体。” Source: 习近平:在中国-中亚峰会上的主旨讲话(全文)
Meaning: Literally meaning “to take oneself as an example.” It emphasizes the importance of leading by personal example, serving as a role model, and setting a good standard for others
Meaning: lit. sth hits one in the face / directly in one’s face / sth assaults the senses / blatant (advertising) / eye-catching / (a smell) assaults the nostrils Original:
Meaning: to achieve or accomplish goals. Original: “希望同学们志存高远、脚踏实地,把课堂学习和乡村实践紧密结合起来,厚植爱农情怀,练就兴农本领,在乡村振兴的大舞台上建功立业,为加快推进农业农村现代化、全面建设社会主义现代化国家贡献青春力量。” Source: 新时代新征程新伟业·习近平总书记关切事丨牢记总书记嘱托 以奋斗姿态激扬青春-新华网
Meaning: to watch the fires burning across the river / to delay entering the fray until all others have been exhausted by fighting amongst themselves Original: “中国不是乌克兰危机的制造者,也不是当事方。作为联合国安理会常任理事国和负责任大国,我们既不会隔岸观火,也不会拱火浇油,更不干趁机牟利的事。” Source: 习近平同乌克兰总统泽连斯基通电话
Meaning: to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind Original: “各级特别是领导干部要大兴调查研究,认真解决部队建设中的突出矛盾和问题,积极主动为官兵排忧解难,带领广大官兵不断开创南部战区海军建设新局面。” Source: 习近平在视察南部战区海军时强调 深化练兵备战 加快转型建设 全面提高部队现代化水平
Meaning: to examine a typical case as the basis for making a generalization (literally, “to dissect a sparrow”) Original: “这次工作会议上,总书记明确要求党员干部“扑下身子、沉到一线”“把脉问诊、解剖麻雀,进行问题梳理、难题排查”,引领全党坚持调研开路,用党的创新理论研究新情况、解决新问题。” Source: 第一观l| 为什么说“这次主题教育是一件事关全局的大事”-新华网