Rock & Roast《脱口秀大会》
The second season of the stand-up comedy competition series 脱口秀大会 (Rock & Roast) has quickly become one of the hottest reality TV shows in China. In each weekly episode (10 […]
The second season of the stand-up comedy competition series 脱口秀大会 (Rock & Roast) has quickly become one of the hottest reality TV shows in China. In each weekly episode (10 […]
China Now《这就是中国》is a TV program that examines hot topics in current events from a Chinese perspective, such as China’s rise, human rights cross-strait relations, and more. The show follows
圆桌派 is a very interesting talk show in China that is worth keeping your eye on. This episode talks about investigative journalism and social relationships in China today. A fascinating discussion (with Chinese
“Created and produced by Hunan Television and iQiyi (a popular internet TV content provider), Super Vocal (Sheng Ru Ren Xin in Chinese) sets out to introduce classical opera and contemporary musicals to a wider audience.” – South
《见字如面》Letters Alive is a variety show by Heilongjiang Satellite TV that invites celebrities to read letters written by famous people from different periods of Chinese history.
本期看點:美國司法部正式啟動引渡孟晚舟的司法程式,美加圍繞孟晚舟事件與中國的衝突進一步升級。美國已經通知加拿大,將以孟晚舟違反美國對伊朗制裁法案為由,正式提出引渡請求。中國外交部重申,這不是一起普通的司法案件,孟晚舟事件是加美濫用雙方引渡條約,對中國公民的安全和合法權益構成了嚴重侵犯。一場具有政治動機的迫害能否經得起美加法律體系的嚴格檢驗,現在這場博弈仍處在加拿大階段。 鳳凰衛視 Phoenix TVPublished on Jan 28, 2019
《开讲啦》invites “role models of Chinese youth” as guest speakers to share their insight and advice, and thus is a good chance to practice listening to Chinese dialogue.
Watching Chinese TV is a great way to keep up your language skills. One of our AMS members recommends 大江大河, a 2018 TV drama based on 大江东去, the novel by
The huge drop on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and Beijing’s massive intervention, have been watched intently across the globe. In one sense, this stock bubble bursting speaks to the nationalization