《钱学森》Six Parts
The U.S. Government recently dropped charges against Xi Xiaoxing, chairman of Temple University’s physics department, for illegally passing controlled technology to China. The reality of illegal Chinese acquisition for foreign […]
The U.S. Government recently dropped charges against Xi Xiaoxing, chairman of Temple University’s physics department, for illegally passing controlled technology to China. The reality of illegal Chinese acquisition for foreign […]
Last week, former Politburo member Wan Li passed away. He served at the highest levels of government, including as vice premier, a member of the secretariat, and president of the
The relationship between Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai is well-known and well-understood; however, the relationship between the latter and Deng Xiaoping is much less so. This episode of “Cultural Geography”,
With so many new U.S. books and reports available on how to deal with China, this documentary shows the Chinese official most adept at dealing with foreign officials. From Nehru
This Chinese documentary is about Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s recently-departed founder: his governance, and the development path of Singapore. No other world leader has met as many Chinese counterparts ranging
The documentary 【白求恩大夫】 is about Norman Bethune (白求恩), one of those international adventurers in the early 20th Century who joined up with the communists, first in Spain and later in
The documentary 档案 2015:打黑风暴 刘汉涉黑集团的覆灭 examines the life and criminal activities of Liu Han, a billionare mining and energy magnate who built a multinational business empire from Sichuan. Although Liu
风中种子-今昔蒋经国 第一集:”总统”蒋经国 is the first part of a series on Chiang Ching-kuo. Chiang Ching-kuo is a remarkable Chinese figure, who played a significant role on the Kuomintang (KMT) side of
《电话里的骗局》discusses a telephone and QQ scam that afflicted numerous Chinese people in the last year. The scam resulted in the loss of 25,000+ RMB (roughly $4000), which is under the
One of the most influential Chinese families of the 20th Century was the Soong (宋) family through the six offspring of the American-educated, Hakka, Methodist minister Charlie Soong. The three