Author name: AMS


休戚与共 | xiū qī yǔ gòng

This quote is from Xi’s virtual keynote speech at the APEC CEO Dialogues on November 19: 习近平在亚太经合组织工商领导人对话会上的主旨演讲 Meaning: solidarity; sharing joys and sorrows Original: “ 这场疫情再次说明,人类命运休戚与共,各国利益紧密相连,世界是不可分割的命运共同体。” Source:  

Highlighted, Jobs

CIRA Fall Fellowship (China) – SOSi

Link to original posting: Overview Exovera’s Center for Intelligence Research and Analysis (CIRA) Fellowship is a professional program that aims to train the next generation of national security analysts.

Entry Level, Jobs

Chinese Media Analyst – SOSi

Overview Exovera LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of SOS International LLC, is seeking two remote consultants to perform Chinese-Language media monitoring and international analysis for an initial 6-month period (with the

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