Meaning: to take the long and broad view; acute foresight
Original: 习近平强调,中法关系的独特历史塑造了独立自主、相互理解、高瞻远瞩、互利共赢的“中法精神”。面对新时代的风云际会,中法应当秉持建交初心、积极面向未来、敢于有所作为。
Background: January 25, 2024 marked the 60th anniversary of Chinese-French relations. Xi Jinping’s remarks covered the start of relations with Mao Zedong and Charles de Gaulle, placing this as the start of China’s official diplomatic relations with the West. Talking of modern relations he spoke on green initiatives, clean energy, and the upcoming Paris Olympics.
Source: 习近平向中法建交60周年招待会发表视频致辞
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