Meaning: literally, to step on stones and leave a mark; figurative: making results or achieving goals no matter the task. Used to describe a strong work ethic and spirit of persistence. Often used in conjunction with the phrase “抓铁有痕” (zhuā tiě yǒu hén), meaning “grasp iron and leave a trace.”
Original: 我们以制定和落实中央八项规定开局破题,以钉钉子精神纠治“四风”,坚决反对特权思想和特权现象,踏石留印、抓铁有痕,刹住了一些长期没有刹住的歪风,纠治了一些多年未除的顽瘴痼疾,以作风建设新气象赢得人民群众信任拥护。
Source: 健全全面从严治党体系 推动新时代党的建设新的伟大工程向纵深发展
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