Meaning: to become common practice
Original: 坚持培育创新文化,传承中华优秀传统文化的创新基因,营造鼓励探索、宽容失败的良好环境,使崇尚科学、追求创新在全社会蔚然成风。
Background: On June 24, 2024, Xi Jinping gave a speech at the National Science and Technology Conference on the importance of innovation for China across all sectors, highlighting recent “wins” such as the 6G satellite launched in February.
Usage: 蔚然成风 is used to describe something transiting to the mainstream. Topics such as language learning, docuseries, to educational policy, can all be described as “commonplace” using this metaphor.
Source: 在全国科技大会、国家科学技术奖励大会、两院院士大会上的讲话
The American Mandarin Society is dedicated to helping Americans develop and maintain their Chinese language skills, deepen their policy knowledge, and build the professional networks that allow them to engage in the vital work of strengthening U.S. competitiveness.