Meaning: to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind
Original: 要全面加强人才工作,壮大人才队伍。要推进政治整训常态化制度化,持之以恒正风肃纪反腐。要加强部队教育管理,坚持不懈抓基层打基础,确保部队安全稳定。各级特别是领导干部要大兴调查研究,认真解决部队建设中的突出矛盾和问题,积极主动为官兵排忧解难,带领广大官兵不断开创南部战区海军建设新局面。
The American Mandarin Society is dedicated to helping Americans develop and maintain their Chinese language skills, deepen their policy knowledge, and build the professional networks that allow them to engage in the vital work of strengthening U.S. competitiveness.