尾大不掉 |  wěi dà bù diào

Meaning: leadership rendered ineffectual by recalcitrant subordinates; (of an organization) too cumbersome to be effective

Original: 如何始终统一思想、统一意志、统一行动。党的规模大了,一些人容易出现搞小山头、小圈子、小团伙现象,容易出现尾大不掉、自行其是问题,破坏党的团结统一,影响党的凝聚力战斗力。

Background: On March 15, 2024, Xi Jinping gave a speech on the importance of maintaining sobriety and firmness as the Party grows and wrestles with issues unique to a large governing bodies.

Source: 时刻保持解决大党独有难题的清醒和坚定,把党的伟大自我革命进行到底

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