Meaning: measures to fit local conditions
Original: 牢牢守住实体经济,巩固传统产业优势,大力推动转型升级,培育壮大战略性新兴产业,前瞻布局未来产业,因地制宜发展新质生产力,塑造产业发展新优势。
Background: From Oct 17th to 19th Xi Jinping conducted a flurry of visits to primarily port cities in South Eastern China. This tour consisted of site visits to core institutions, cultural excursions and performances, and encouragement that these cities were performing wonderfully economically. The trip is reminiscent of past leaders’ actions, visiting areas of concern to assure everyone that there is nothing to be concerned about
Usage: 因地制宜 is used to describe procedures or solutions that are localized. It is most commonly used to describe agriculture or development.
Source: 扭住目标不放松 一张蓝图绘到底 在中国式现代化建设中奋勇争先
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