Meaning: good preparation is key to success
Original: 注重激发广大专家学者的积极性主动性创造性,加强青年专家学者的培养,为他们把好方向、搭建平台、创造机会,鼓励他们潜心钻研、厚积薄发,推出立足中国历史、解读中国实践、回答中国问题的原创性理论成果。
Background: On January 31, 2024, at the 9th Collective Study Session of the Political Bureau of the 20th Central Committee, Xi Jinping lectured on the importance of developing ethnic communities for the growth of the nation.
Source: 铸牢中华民族共同体意识 推进新时代党的民族工作高质量发展
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