任重道远 | rèn zhòng dào yuǎn

Meaning: to shoulder heavy responsibilities

Original: 当今世界,新一轮科技革命和产业变革深入发展,围绕高素质人才和科技制高点的国际竞争空前激烈。我国在建设教育强国上仍存在不少差距、短板和弱项,实现从教育大国向教育强国的跨越依然任重道远

Background: On Monday, September 18th, Xi Jinping gave a speech on the importance of a strong educational sector in the development of a strong nation at the 5th Study Session of the Political Bureau. The speech emphasized instilling socialist values, elevating science and technology education, and the importance of properly training teachers, among other topics.

Source: 扎实推动教育强国建设

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