不折不扣 |  bù zhé bù kòu

Meaning: to the letter; through and through; 100 percent

Original: 军队要积极主动同地方搞好沟通协调,中央和国家机关有关部门、地方党委和政府要强化国防意识,认真履职尽责,不折不扣落实好建设和巩固国防的各项任务。

Background: On August 1st, 2024, at the 16th Collective Study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Xi Jinping spoke on the importance of strengthening defense on borders, in the sea, and in the skies.

Usage: 不折不扣 is another broadly applicable metaphor that can be used in both formal and informal settings, with a range of meanings. It can mean “to follow something to the letter,” such as a policy; or “through and through,” such as a person being honest or rotten through and through. A central characteristic of usage is the completeness of the action or description.

Source: 强化使命担当 创新思路举措 狠抓工作落实 努力建设强大稳固的现代边海空防

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