Language Learning Resources

We are continually updating this list as resources come out or disappear. This is a long list, so to make it easier to explore, you can select the specific Categories or Media Types you'd like to view in the dropdowns.

We are continually updating this list as resources come out or disappear. This is a long list, so to make it easier to explore, you can select the specific Categories or Media Types you'd like to view in the dropdowns.

ResourceCategoryMedia TypeSummary
CCTV 1-17 + 亚欧美TV NewsVisual20 CCTV channels all readily available for streaming; toggle between channels in the sidebar.
CCTV-4 Chinese Int'l Livestream 中文国际TV NewsVisualCCTV on YouTube (quicker to load).
Phoenix TV Livestream 鳳凰衛視TV NewsVisualA mainland news alternative to CCTV.
TAIWAN TTV NEWS (Live) 台視新聞台HD 24 小時線上直播TV NewsVisualTTV Main Channel is the primary free-to-air terrestrial television channel of the Taiwan Television company and is the first television channel launched in the Republic of China (Taiwan).
Xinwen Lianbo Archive CCTV 新闻联播TV NewsVisualA collection of archived videos from the news program Xinwen Lianbo, which is produced by CCTV.
Little Universe 小宇宙Content PlatformsAudioFirst dedicated podcast platform. If you want to discover and listen to new Chinese podcasts, this is hands down the best app for it. Mobile only.
TingBook 天方听书Content PlatformsAudioAudiobook platform.
Weibo 微博Content PlatformsSocialChinese Twitter. Mostly inaccessible without a Chinese phone number.
WeChat 微信Content PlatformsSocialChina's messager + do-everything app. Mobile-first.
Xiaohongshu 小红书Content PlatformsSocial"Instagram for China."
Ximilaya 西米啦呀Content PlatformsAudioMost popular audio platform in China.
American Mandarin Society PodcastPodcasts & RadioAudioListen to recordings of AMS events featuring advanced scholars of US-China relations.
BB Park 日坛公园Podcasts & RadioAudio日谈公园 is a podcast hosted by two experienced entertainment industry professionals, Li Shu (Li Zhiming) and Xiao Hua (Feng Guangjian). They discuss popular movies, music, literature, animation, travel, food, fashion, and lifestyle and talk with celebrities and other guests.
BearTalk 狗熊有话说Podcasts & RadioAudioBearTalk 狗熊有话说 is an iTunes award-winning (the 2013 Editor's Choice of iTunes China) podcast started in 2012, covering tech insights, book reviews, and personal improvement tips. It has received positive reviews from Mandarin learners for its interesting topics and the host’s easygoing speaking style.
Bumingbai 不明白播客Podcasts & RadioAudioThis podcast is a personal project launched by several professional journalists. "The most interesting conversations in China are happening in private these days. The 'Don't Understand Podcast' hopes to share these interesting conversations with Chinese-speaking audiences around the world, bringing a bit of light and warmth to this dark and chaotic time."
Cyber Pink 疲惫娇娃Podcasts & RadioAudioA conversational podcast covering a range of current topics including pop culture and relationships. An emphasis is put on women's voices, but guests include both men and women. The host is based in the US, so domestic US stories make up a significant amount of the show's content.
Gushi FM (Story FM) 故事FMPodcasts & RadioAudioThe NYTimes describes Gushi FM as taking inspiration from "This American Life" and WNYC's "Snap Judgement." Interesting, personal stories told in the first person by ordinary people in China.
Learn Taiwanese MandarinPodcasts & RadioAudioLearn Taiwanese Mandarin is a podcast aimed at intermediate to advanced learners. It’s all in Chinese (from the 4th episode).
Lively Morning Coffee | 声动早咖啡Podcasts & RadioAudioA 10-15 minute daily morning show to get up to date on the day's global business news.
张小珺Jùn|商业访谈录Podcasts & RadioAudioZhang Xiaojun discusses business and commerce with knowledgeable guests.
News (and Pickles) Stand 新闻酸菜馆Podcasts & RadioAudioHosted by veteran journalists Wang Zhenggui and Dingding, this podcast keeps up with contemporary topics being discussed in China. Highly recommended.
OnBoard!Podcasts & RadioAudio"Hello World, who is OnBoard!? 两个爱码字的投资人关于软件、创业与投资的真诚对话。" This is a podcast hosted by two VC investors focused on SaaS, enterprise technology, and cloud infrastructure.
One Call Away 打个电话给你Podcasts & RadioAudioTwo hosts – one based in Beijing, the other in Hong Kong – have a phone call to discuss topics important to them, often tying into recent news stories.
Other Waves 别的电波 Podcasts & RadioAudioThis podcast features free-flowing conversations between its two hosts and two members of the production team (all men). The Beijing er-hua accent (儿化音) is strong here, and the show has a casual vibe with a fair amount of cross-talk. Since the conversations are a bit chaotic and wandering with frequent outbursts of laughter, this podcast seems like an ideal candidate for background listening as described by Olle Linge of Hacking Chinese. The content doesn't seem dense enough to merit total focus, but would probably be ideal for background listening while doing something else.
Out of Time 不合时宜Podcasts & RadioAudio“Out of Time is a podcast co-created by three (former) media people living in different time zones.” Recent episodes cover topics like heat waves and extreme weather, egg-freezing for single women, and questions of community and loneliness in modern society.
Popup Chinese Podcast ArchivesPodcasts & RadioAudioDespite being discontinued, Popup Chinese remains a great source of free, fun, and engaging Chinese language lessons.
RTI (Radio Taiwan International) 中央廣播電台Podcasts & RadioAudioReliably available Taiwanese radio station covering news, culture, and music.
Shengdongjixi 声东击西Podcasts & RadioAudio"The world is vast, but people are limited by their daily routines and social media. Let us as journalists help you open unexpected windows, access different information, and inspire new thoughts. Here, we talk with all kinds of interesting professionals; occasionally, mysterious guests will appear."
StochasticVolatility 随机波动Podcasts & RadioAudioPodcast hosted by three women in China. Topics covered are usually more relevant to younger adults i.e., 20's-30's. Example: A recent episode is a discussion of the Barbie movie.
VC Circle (疯投圈)Podcasts & RadioAudioBy their own description, this is the "Chinese-speaking world's most interesting business podcast." Hosted by two experienced Chinese VCs, this podcast tends to focus on business trends in consumer tech, e-commerce, content, and social media.
Voice of America 美国之音Podcasts & RadioAudio"Voice of America Chinese is your source for reliable and accurate news about China, the United States and the World."
What's Next 科技早知道Podcasts & RadioAudioA podcast covering recent conversations in tech on topics trending both in and outside of China.
IQ (IQiyi Global)TV, Movies, & StreamingVisualIQiyi is one of China's biggest streaming platforms and has launched as its international version. You can use without worrying about getting this dreaded message: "视频因为版权原因无法播放."
Bili BiliTV, Movies, & StreamingVisualChina's platform for user-generated video content (similar to YouTube). Skewed toward a younger audience (teens to early 30's). Lots of zany videos and anime.
Criterion ChannelTV, Movies, & StreamingVisualA great subscription service for arthouse cinema, with a decent selection (~20) of Chinese movies. Click on "All Movies" and select a country filter, or just click the link provided.
MUBITV, Movies, & StreamingVisualAn interesting new subscription service for independent movies, often by newer, rising directors. Click on "Browse" and select a country filter, or just click the link provided.
YouTubeTV, Movies, & StreamingVisualYouTube has lots of great (and not-so-great) Chinese language channels and content. Here are a few channels we recommend: Rock and Roast 脱口秀大会Today on Wall Street 今日华尔街, Chef Wang Gang International 美食作家王刚 (he also has a @chefwang channel if you prefer to have only Chinese subtitles).
Tencent VideoTV, Movies, & StreamingVisualA top streaming platform in China, offering a broad range of domestic and international content. Tencent Video has a strong focus on offering licensed content and has exclusive deals with major studios such as HBO and Warner Bros.
iQiyi TVTV, Movies, & StreamingVisualOffers a broad range of content, including movies, TV dramas, and variety shows. iQiyi TV is known for producing its own original content, including some popular dramas and reality shows. Sometimes called "China's Netflix." Owned by Baidu and a major competitor to Tencent Video.
芒果 TVTV, Movies, & StreamingVisualPrimarily focuses on domestic TV shows and movies and is owned by Hunan Broadcasting System. Has a strong emphasis on reality shows and variety programming, and it is known for producing some of the most popular Chinese TV shows.
Youku TVTV, Movies, & StreamingVisualPrimarily focuses on domestic TV shows and movies, and it is owned by Alibaba Group. Youku TV has a strong emphasis on user-generated content and has also produced some popular original shows.
LetvTV, Movies, & StreamingVisualA streaming platform that offers a wide range of content, including movies, TV dramas, and variety shows. It also produces its own original content and is known for offering some exclusive deals with major studios.
CCTV Shows & DocumentariesTV, Movies, & StreamingVisualA hub for watching the latest TV shows on CCTV. Some content (e.g., original series not produced by CCTV) will not be available to watch, so try clicking a couple different series if the first one doesn't work.
A Bite of China 《舌尖上的中国》第一季DocumentaryVisualVisually absorbing, narrated series on Chinese cuisine, immersing the viewer in food's journey from being grown or caught, through processing, preparation, onto ultimately being enjoyed by people. A classic that stands the test of time.
《中苏外交档案解密》DocumentaryVisualCCTV documentary series delving into the relationship between China and the Soviet Union.
Planet Earth 地球脉动DocumentaryVisualThe full first season of Planet Earth with Chinese narration and subtitles.
The Rise of the Great Powers 大国崛起DocumentaryVisualA Chinese documentary series that explores the history of the rise of great powers, including the United States, China, Japan, Germany, and Russia. It examines how these nations gained their power and influence through various means such as economic development, military strength, political influence, and cultural impact.
Wild China 美丽中国DocumentaryVisualA BBC documentary series that explores the diverse natural beauty and wildlife of China. The series covers various regions of China, including the Himalayas, the tropical forests of Yunnan, and the deserts of Xinjiang.
Interviews Before Execution 临刑会见DocumentaryVisualInterviews Before Execution (Chinese: 临刑会见) is a Chinese television talk show which was aired on the Henan Legal Channel between 2006 and 2012. Presented by journalist Ding Yu, the programme featured interviews with people convicted in cases of violent murder who were offered a chance to tell their story after being sentenced to death. (Wikipedia)
River Elegy 河殇DocumentaryVisualRiver Elegy is an influential six-part documentary by Wang Luxiang, and co-written by Su Xiaokang, shown on China Central Television on June 16, 1988, which portrays the decline of traditional Chinese culture. River Elegy caused immense controversy in mainland China due to its negative portrayal of Chinese culture. (Wikipedia) Note: this video is very low-res; unfortunately we have not yet located a high-res version.
China: Time of Xi 习近平治国方略:中国这五年DocumentaryVisualIn the lede to a piece titled Propaganda Success Stories, David Bandurski of the China Media Project wrote: "Years after its global release on the Discovery channel, a documentary series extolling the virtues of Xi Jinping’s leadership is still avidly studied inside China as an instance of unvarnished success in 'telling China’s story well' and furthering its external propaganda goals."
Episode I, Episode II, Episode III
Colours of ChinaDocumentaryVisual"A unique journey of discovery through China, guided by the millenniums-old mythology of the colors. The natural cycles of the universe impact each other in a never-ending circle of five interconnected forces, each represented by colour, season, compass point, emotion and location." (IMDb)
Always on the Road 永远在路上DocumentaryVisualAlso translated as "Never Ending Anti-Corruption Struggle," this is an eight part television miniseries produced jointly by the propaganda department of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) and China Central Television (CCTV).

Chris Buckely of The New York Times released a mostly positive review of the series, but noted that there were "limits to candor", such as the brief mentions of the highest convicted corrupt officials such as Zhou Yongkang. Other Western media were harsher with their reviews. Quartz accused the CCP of forcing confessions to create the program. (Wikipedia)
italkiLearning ToolsSocialiTalki is an online language learning platform that connects learners with language teachers for personalized lessons in a wide variety of languages. It offers a convenient and affordable way to learn a new language from the comfort of your own home.
ChatGPTLearning ToolsAI / TranslationBest AI translation tool available, but interface only allows translation of a couple paragraphs at a time.
DeepLLearning ToolsAI / TranslationAI translation tool; better translations than Google Translate for Chinese, and can do larger blocks of text than ChatGPT.
ChinesePodLearning ToolsLearning PlatformOnline platform that provides audio and video lessons for learning Mandarin Chinese. It offers a wide range of topics and difficulty levels to cater to learners of all levels.
FluentULearning ToolsLearning PlatformLanguage learning platform that offers language immersion through interactive videos and personalized lessons.
HanziCraftLearning ToolsWebsite / AppWebsite providing tools and resources for learning Mandarin Chinese characters. It offers a comprehensive database of characters, stroke order animations, and a range of exercises to help learners improve their Chinese reading and writing skills.
DuoLingoLearning ToolsLearning PlatformDuolingo is a free language learning platform that offers courses in over 40 languages, utilizing gamification and adaptive learning techniques. It provides learners with engaging exercises that help build their vocabulary, grammar, listening, and speaking skills.
HSKLearning ToolsWebsite / AppThe HSK website is the official platform for the HSK Chinese language proficiency test. It provides information about the test structure, registration process, test dates, and study resources for learners of Chinese as a foreign language.
PraatLearning ToolsWebsite / AppProvides a software tool for analyzing and practicing pronunciation of Chinese sounds. Chinese language learners can use Praat to record and analyze their own pronunciation, compare it with native speakers, and get feedback on their pronunciation accuracy, rhythm, and intonation.
The Washington Chinese Language Meetup GroupLearning ToolsSocialA meetup for people who are interested in learning/teaching/sharing Chinese language and culture.
HiNativeLearning ToolsWebsite / AppHiNative is a language learning platform that connects language learners with native speakers for language exchange, questions, and feedback.
Lang-8Learning ToolsWebsite / AppLang-8 is a language learning platform that connects language learners with native speakers for language exchange and writing correction.
AnkiLearning ToolsWebsite / AppFor more information on setting up flashcard sets or adding words, check out the Anki User Manual
SkritterLearning ToolsWebsite / AppSkritter is a language learning platform that helps users learn Chinese characters and vocabulary through interactive writing exercises and flashcards.
Chinese Text AnalyserLearning ToolsWebsite / AppScans a document and orders words by frequency, allowing the user to track words they do and do not know. Very useful for users of SRS software like Skritter or Anki.
Mandarin SpotLearning ToolsWebsite / AppMandarinSpot offers the best reading annotation tool for Chinese text, allowing you to annotate with pinyin and view definitions and pronunciations on the same page, saving you the frustration of looking up words in a dictionary.
GengoLearning ToolsTranslationGengo is a translation platform that connects advanced Chinese language speakers with businesses and individuals needing translation services, allowing them to make money on the side by practicing their translation skills.
Paper RepublicLearning ToolsTranslationPromotes Chinese literature in English translation, and focuses on new writing from contemporary Chinese writers.
PlecoLearning ToolsDictionaryPleco is a very popular Chinese-English dictionary app that provides a range of features, including character recognition, example sentences, and audio pronunciations.
汉语大词典Learning ToolsDictionaryOne of the most extensive Chinese-Chinese dictionaries available. Useful once you you have a decently high level of Chinese (HSK6+)
词典网Learning ToolsDictionaryAnother good Chinese-Chinese dictionary.
LINE DictionaryLearning ToolsDictionaryLine Dictionary is a free online dictionary that offers Chinese language learners a wide range of features, including example sentences, audio pronunciations, and handwriting recognition.
MDBGLearning ToolsDictionaryMDBG is an online Chinese-English dictionary that offers a range of features, including character recognition, example sentences, and audio pronunciations.
YellowbridgeLearning ToolsDictionaryYellowBridge is an online Chinese-English dictionary that offers a range of features, including character stroke order animations, example sentences, and audio pronunciations.
iCIBALearning ToolsDictionaryiCIBA is a free online dictionary that provides Chinese language learners with a range of features, including example sentences, audio pronunciations, and translations in multiple languages.
Classical Chinese DictionaryLearning ToolsDictionaryClassical Chinese Dictionary is an online dictionary that focuses on classical Chinese language and literature, providing Chinese language learners with a range of features, including historical context, references, and explanations of classical texts. 海词Learning, also known as HaiCi, is a free online Chinese-English dictionary that offers a range of features, including character recognition, example sentences, and audio pronunciations.
Youdao 有道Learning ToolsDictionaryYoudao is a free online Chinese-English dictionary that provides a range of features, including example sentences, audio pronunciations, and translations in multiple languages.
Hanping Chinese Dictionary ProLearning ToolsDictionaryHanping Chinese Dictionary Pro is a paid app that offers a range of features, including character recognition, example sentences, audio pronunciations, and flashcards to help Chinese language learners improve their vocabulary and reading skills.
Chinese Text ProjectLearning ToolsWebsite / AppFor those interested in classical Chinese, the Chinese Text Project has thousands of passages available for free, with most containing English translations, definitions of words appearing in the text, and annotations in Chinese.
Chinese Grammar WikiLearning ToolsWebsite / AppA great resource for reviewing Chinese grammar anytime you are struggling to understand a particular sentence structure or pattern.
Zhongwen Chinese-English Dictionary Chrome Extension Learning ToolsWebsite / AppA Chrome extension pop-up dictionary for looking up Chinese on any website while you're reading. Simply install and activate the extension, and hover over Chinese text on any webpage to see the definition. Includes links to Chinese Grammar Wiki. Supports adding words to Skritter.
Slow ChineseText / ReadingLearning PlatformSlow Chinese 每周漫闻 is a resource which helps advanced learners of Mandarin stay on top of the latest language trends. It includes a free weekly newsletter and more premium content for paid members.
Sinocism Text / ReadingNewsletterSinocism collects the most important articles and news stories each day on current issues and public policy in China. Many of the articles sent out are written in Chinese, so you can practice reading Chinese while keeping up to date on current issues.
Hacking Chinese Text / ReadingNewsletterHacking Chinese is a great blog/website that has articles about learning Chinese. The author primarily writes about HOW to learn Chinese as opposed to WHAT to learn.
David Cowhig’s Translation BlogText / ReadingWebsite / AppThis particular post (and the entire site) is a treasure trove of ideas and resources for learning, maintaining, and expanding your Chinese language abilities. It is relevant for everyone from the intermediate student looking to become more conversational to the advanced student of Chinese interested in developing abilities as a a scholar of China.
Initium MediaText / ReadingNews MediaInitium Media 端傳媒 is a Singapore-based digital media outlet launched in August 2015. It mainly provides in-depths news, opinions and lifestyle content to Chinese-speaking readers worldwide with the aim of staking out neutral terrain among Chinese readers in Hong Kong, Taiwan, mainland China, and abroad.
Caixin 财新Text / ReadingNews MediaCaixin is a reputable Chinese news outlet known for its in-depth journalism and coverage of economic, political, and social issues.
Caijing 财经Text / ReadingNews MediaCaijing is a prominent financial magazine in China that offers comprehensive analysis of economic trends, finance, and investment opportunities.
Xinhua 新华社Text / ReadingNews MediaXinhua is China's official state-run news agency, providing authoritative and wide-ranging news coverage on domestic and international affairs.
People’s Daily 人民日报Text / ReadingNews MediaPeople's Daily is the official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party, offering insights into the Party's policies and viewpoints.
Southern Weekly 南方周末Text / ReadingNews MediaSouthern Weekly is a respected Chinese newspaper known for its investigative journalism and critical reporting on social, political, and cultural issues.
BBC 中文Text / ReadingNews MediaThe Chinese-language service of the British Broadcasting Corporation, providing comprehensive news coverage of global events.
Financial Times Text / ReadingNews MediaThe Chinese-language edition of the Financial Times, offering insightful analysis on global financial, economic, and political issues
Wall Street Journal Text / ReadingNews MediaThe Chinese-language edition of the Wall Street Journal, offering in-depth analysis on business, finance, and global affairs.
New York Times Text / ReadingNews MediaThe Chinese-language edition of The New York Times, providing comprehensive coverage of global news, politics, and culture。
Jandan 煎蛋Text / ReadingNews MediaShort sci & tech articles.
China Books 中国书店 Reference / LibraryWebsite / AppChina International Book Trading Corporation (CIBTC) is a Chinese publisher that runs @ChinaBooksChina and an Amazon storefront of Chinese language books.
Duokan Reference / LibraryWebsite / is a platform offering many different genres of Chinese e-books. It is now also featuring a special section of books to celebrate the CCP’s 70th anniversary: 庆祝新中国成立70周年专题.
Douban Reference / LibraryWebsite / AppDouban is a website that offers reviews for books, movies, and music, and provides links for purchasing books from major Chinese online bookstores.
Kindle 中文电子书店 Reference / LibraryWebsite / AppHas many Chinese e-books available for download to your Kindle.
Purple Culture Reference / LibraryWebsite / AppA good resource for Chinese textbooks.
微信读书Reference / LibraryWebsite / AppWeChat's reading app, similar to a Chinese Kindle. Extremely extensive library of Chinese books. Has a very user-friendly UI.
Chinese the Hard WayReference / LibraryWebsite / AppEnglish language articles about learning Chinese. Small website, but provides useful frameworks for learning Chinese to a high level.
起点Reference / LibraryWebsite / AppOne of China's biggest websites for reading webnovels.
Chinese Language SubredditReference / LibraryWebsite / AppThis is a community for people studying or teaching Chinese. Discussion of all Chinese languages/dialects is welcome. Members of this subreddit are invited to post interesting links, language learning advice, or questions.

The American Mandarin Society is dedicated to helping Americans develop and maintain their Chinese language skills, deepen their policy knowledge, and build the professional networks that allow them to engage in the vital work of strengthening U.S. competitiveness.

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